Projects finalised
In 2020 the Gula Gula Food Forest in Indonesia and the Wastewater Treatment projects in Myanmar and Zambia together with WWF were successfully finalized. PDF received a repayment of the development contribution for the Gula Gula Food Forest project.
PDF funded Co2 Operate B.V., a Dutch social enterprise that has successfully restored 200 hectares of degraded forest in Sumatra financed by carbon off setting revenues. The project brings back tree cover to restore ecosystem functions on the degraded slopes, including increased water catchment and reduction of sedimentation. The funding provided by PDF was used for the business plan preparation to scale-up to 5,000 hectares. The FMO Capacity Development team has provided follow on funding and will further develop and scale the food forest.
PDF provided funding to WWF to identify bankable wastewater treatment investment opportunities to clean up the Ayeyarwady river basin in Myanmar with the aim to match the local industry with Dutch water technology providers. Local project owners (a combination of public and private businesses) in Myanmar have indicated the willingness to further develop wastewater treatment opportunities. A market sounding with Dutch companies was conducted and an in principle interest to do business for industrial wastewater treatment in Myanmar was obtained by these companies. WWF Myanmar office is now leading discussions with project owners to seek commitment for identified pipeline projects.
PDF provided funding to WWF to identify bankable wastewater treatment investment opportunities to clean up the Kafue Flats in Zambia with the aim to match the local industry players with Dutch water technology providers. The project successfully identified a pipeline of projects, but also established that a lot of work still needs to be done on the regulatory and legislative side in Zambia, before these projects are expected to take off. Therefore, lobbying by the WWF and others is still needed for these projects to be able to move forward. A market sounding with Dutch companies was conducted and in principle interest to do business for industrial wastewater treatment in Zambia was obtained.